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Sep 20 2024

Homeowner Ordered Out on Behalf of Squatters

Kentucky homeowner Daniel Toma found out what it means to live in a country where property rights are not respected after he allowed a couple to stay in his garage temporarily and they refused to leave. A judge ordered him out of his own house:

“[They] were working on the car for days in the driveway, I didn’t want to throw them out on the street. I was just trying to be kind,” he said.

However, the guests put a mattress in the garage in mid-July and ended up never leaving.

Toma said they started getting mail, had Spectrum cable installed and even changed the lock on his garage without any type of rental agreement between them.

When he asked them to leave, they brandished their “squatters’ rights.”

Squatter Tyler Sencuk got into a fight with one of Toma’s roommates…

Sencuk then filed an emergency protective order against Toma, which a judge granted, forcing him to stay 500 feet away from them or his house.

“I feel like I have no power. I feel like I have no rights,” Toma said.

Actually, now that Toma is homeless, he does have rights. He has a right to live as a squatter in someone else’s house against their will.

On a tip from Jester.


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