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Jun 17 2022

How to Lighten Up a Funeral

If you are planning a funeral and don’t want it to get too heavy, invite Joe Biden to speak. He is likely to lighten the mood with some laughs by applying his trademark obliviousness:

Biden started his speech at the White House with words of condolence for the family of Matt Susz, the executive vice president and chief financial officer of Jo-Ann Stores. The company announced Susz’s death on Wednesday.

Mr Biden said: “And by the way, my sympathies to your family of your CFO, who dropped dead very unexpectedly.” He added: “My best to their family. It’s tough stuff.”

Too bad Biden didn’t venture a guess as to how to pronounce Susz’s name. That might have cracked up his grieving family almost as much as using the expression “dropped dead.”

The grim expression on the sign language interpreter’s face reminds us that it was no joke when Biden said Susz’s death is “tough stuff.”

At least Biden didn’t invite the deceased to stand up and take a bow, as he did with paraplegic Missouri state senator Chuck Graham:

On tips from Chris Neilson and Anonymous.


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One Response to “How to Lighten Up a Funeral”

  1. […] How about Joe Biden starring as Our Idiot President coming to CBS? NBC? ABC? this fall. This would make a good snippet to build a pilot from H/T Moobattery […]


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