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Jun 22 2024

No Asylum for Children Raped by Illegal Aliens

If only we could hold Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, et al. responsible for the crimes they cause to occur by refusing to defend the border from foreign invasion, we could put them in prison where they belong and prevent horrors like this:

Police in Houston have arrested two migrants from Venezuela for the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was lured away from home, then strangled and dumped in a bayou.

One of the suspects crossed the border illegally less than a month before the shocking murder, and was released into the US after claiming he feared for his life if he was sent back to his home country, sources told The Post.

Don’t call Franklin Jose Pena Ramos an illegal alien. He is an “asylum seeker.” Like his companion Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, he had a court date that he was unlikely to show up for, which may or may not have resulted in deportation, as if they wouldn’t just come back again.

Too bad there is no asylum for American children. Another incident:

Horrified? Don’t be. It’s all “fear-mongering” and a big joke according to our liberal rulers. Watch MSNBC propagandist Joy Reid and prominent congresscritter Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) chuckle about a 13-year-old being raped:

A child was raped in broad daylight by an illegal alien, and one news network reported it instead of sucking up to the rapist’s enabler in the White House. What a knee-slapper.

On tips from Wiggins, seaoh, WDS 2.0, Ed McAninch, and Chris Neilson.


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3 Responses to “No Asylum for Children Raped by Illegal Aliens”

  1. […] the crop that Biden is importing from the Third World to displace us. The invaders he has invited continue to rape […]

  2. […] the crop that Biden is importing from the Third World to displace us. The invaders he has invited continue to rape […]


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