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Jul 13 2024

Islamic Traffic Cop in Vienna

Vienna has been home to some of the giants of Western Civilization, like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Josef Haydn. With the displacement of the population well underway, the Viennese who come to our attention nowadays are quite different:

He stood stark naked on the street with his finger raised and shouted “Allahu Akbar”: a suspected Islamist caused a stir on Perfektastraße in Vienna on Wednesday. In a subsequent police operation, he injured a female officer. …

In the middle of the street, he seemed intent on “directing traffic”.

The raised finger might remind readers of Osama bin Laden or ISIS.

Vienna, consider yourself multiculturally enriched.


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3 Responses to “Islamic Traffic Cop in Vienna”

  1. […] not all of Vienna’s replacement population busies itself with constructive activity like directing traffic naked. Here’s what it’s like to go shopping there with […]

  2. […] not all of Vienna’s replacement population busies itself with constructive activity like directing traffic naked. Here’s what it’s like to go shopping there with […]


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