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Jun 30 2024

Judge Strikes Down Law Defining Two Sexes

The woke war on reality has pushed countermoonbats to the point that Montana had to pass a law affirming there are two sexes and defining them. State district court judge Shane Vannatta struck down the statute.

Vannatta is the state’s first openly homosexual judge, according to the American Bar Association. He was appointed in 2019 by then-Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat.

Activist judges have been crucial in superficially normalizing sexual perversion. When California voters defended marriage from desecration by passing Proposition 8 in 2008, homosexual judge Vaughn Walker overruled them. Seven years later, the Supreme Court pushed leftist social engineering to the point of self-parody by contriving a Constitutional right to gay marriage.

Now liberals are at the mop-up stage, snuffing out vestigial remnants of resistance in places like Montana, which fortunately now has a Republican governor.

The law defines “male” as a “a member of the human species” who has XY chromosomes and produces sperm. It defines “female” as having XX chromosomes and producing eggs.

The purpose of the law is to avoid confusion by defining the word “sex.” This is necessary in a country where even a Supreme Court justice does not know what the word “woman” means.

Some want more confusion, not less. The American Civil Liberties Union of Montana opposes the law, presumably on the grounds that basic biology is transphobic.

They ought to pass a law stating that 2 + 2 = 4, just to see how long it would take a liberal judge to strike it down.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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