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Jul 11 2024

LGBTists Oppose Restricting Child Sex Trafficking

Protecting children from sex trafficking might seem like a good thing…

Senate Bill 1414 (SB 1414), introduced in the California Senate by Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), aims to [change] soliciting sex from a minor a felony.

…but actually it is bigoted, because cracking down on child prostitution would have a disparate impact on the LGBT community — according to that same community:

People who construct their public identity around being perverts are more likely to commit sex crimes against children? Couldn’t be. Even to suggest it is homophobic.

Yet Kara McKinney and Lauren Chen persist in their thoughtcrime:

On a tip from Barry A.


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One Response to “LGBTists Oppose Restricting Child Sex Trafficking”

  1. […] This is unbelevable H/T to Moonbattery […]


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