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Jun 18 2023

Literal Idiocracy

Only in a literal ideocracy could we find ourselves ruled by the conspicuously cognitively subnormal. Watch as Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) explains why American infrastructure has been collapsing:

Dressed inappropriately in a hoodie and gym shorts, Fetterman took the podium beside the Big Guy to tell us more about failing bridges:

At the beginning of roughly 85-second speech, he noted he had stood beside President Biden “a little over a year ago” when a different structure, Fern Hollow Bridge, collapsed in the western portion of the Keystone State in January 2022.

“That bridge was built in less than a year, well well in front of time.”

We should praise Democrats for getting the defective bridge built so fast.

“The infration [sic] infruc [sic] yeah infration [sic] bill that is gonna make sure that there’s gonna be bridges all across like this all across America getting rebuilt,” he said, possibly referring to the infrastructure bill signed in 2021 or the Inflation Reduction Act signed in December 2022.

If any of the $trillions Democrats have been stealing from us actually does result in new bridges, they surely will resemble those that have fallen down.

He ended the very short address by introducing “my friend Congressman Boya Bile [sic],” at which point Rep. Brendan Boyle took the podium.

Seriously, that’s what he called Boyle:

Then the Dems unsurprisingly announced that they are going to spend more of our money.

Biden wasn’t much sharper:

If the likes of Biden and Fetterman actually made decisions, the whole country would collapse faster than a Pennsylvania bridge. They must have been selected as figureheads because our actual rulers can manipulate them effortlessly. Why else would the ostensibly most powerful positions be held by people with such severely limited cognitive capacity?

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, Chuck A, and Jester.


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