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Aug 24 2022

Macron Announces End of Abundance

On behalf of the moonbat establishment, French President Emmanuel Macron proclaims the standard of living we have earned in the West is over:

Macron warned Wednesday that France faced “sacrifices” in a new era marked by climate change and instability caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that signalled “the end of abundance”.

Note that the climate change “crisis” is imaginary, and that Russia’s reoccupation of Ukraine — which was part of Russia until recently — is only a big deal for Ukrainians.

The speech appeared designed to prepare the country for what promises to be a difficult winter ahead, with energy prices rising sharply and many families struggling with inflation.

Energy shortages are caused not by the war in Ukraine but by European reliance on Russian fossil fuels, which is caused in turn by green energy moonbattery predicated on the global warming hoax.

Inflation is caused by excessive government spending. Like the other causes of the end of abundance, it is unnecessarily imposed on us by our left-leaning rulers.

Needless to say, abundance will continue unimpeded for Macron, Biden, and the Davos set.

“This overview that I’m giving — the end of abundance, the end of insouciance, the end of assumptions — it’s ultimately a tipping point that we are going through that can lead our citizens to feel a lot of anxiety,” Macron continued.

It may be more of a tipping point than he realizes: a 1789 kind of tipping point.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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One Response to “Macron Announces End of Abundance”

  1. […] French President Emmanuel Macron honked about the “end of abundance” for regular people, the year 1789 came to mind. However, this goes beyond […]


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