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Sep 04 2024

Maduro Moves Christmas

Given that Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro have reduced the formerly richest and most stable country in Latin America to a miserable basket case, why does the USA have politicians eager to emulate them? Because the goal of leftists is not the well-being of the country; it is to maximize power. Madura has so much power, even Christmas bends to his will.

Via El País:

Hours after the Attorney General’s Office ordered the arrest of opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia on terrorism-related charges and in the middle of a profound political crisis, the Chavista leader took advantage of his television program to announce a change in the festive calendar. “It is September and it already smells like Christmas. And that is why this year, in homage to you, in gratitude to you, I am going to decree the advancement of Christmas to October 1,” Maduro said.

Christmas in October. You see what wonders socialism can achieve.

Not having to wait so long for Christmas may help keep people’s minds off the oil-rich nation no longer being able to keep the lights on:

The Venezuelan president addressed his supporters while recalling the massive blackout last Friday, which affected around 80% of the country.

President Kamala might do away with Christmas altogether, considering how vehemently she has denounced it. She could replace it with Kwanzaa, which she says her family has celebrated since long before it was invented.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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