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Jul 20 2024

$Millions Spent for Nonwhite Transsexuals

There are two main reasons why everything costs more than it did the last time Trump was president. One is Biden’s War on Energy, which drives up the price of everything in the name of climate ideology. The other is grotesquely wasteful government spending like this:

The U.S. will spend millions of dollars to implement and evaluate if an interactive text messaging program used by the government is effective in helping transgender women [i.e., cross-dressing men] of color and young men who have sex with men (YMSM) take readily available measures to protect against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a sexually transmitted infection that attacks the body’s immune system. …

This week the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced that it is doling out $3 million to nonprofits, local governments, school districts and public housing authorities to facilitate implementation of the PrEPmate intervention…

If they wanted to slow the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, they would stop promoting homosexuality and moral degeneracy — and yet:

The CDC has already created a “Toolkit for Providing HIV Prevention Services to Transgender Women of Color” designed by “transgender women of color with extensive experience working in HIV prevention.” It assesses community needs, creates transgender-affirming environments, addresses mental and behavioral health needs for transgender women of color and builds community partnerships.

To create a “transgender-affirming environment” is to encourage deviants to orient their lives around indulging in depravity.

It’s almost as if they waste our money in the most tasteless way possible out of sheer hatred for the nation. This would be consistent with the anti-Americanism at the root of the Democrat viewpoint. The racist emphasis on providing alleged benefits to those who are not members of the core population adds an extra poke in the eye.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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