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Jul 14 2024

Moonbats Melt Down Over Botched Assassination

There has been an outpouring of sympathy for the family of Corey Comperatore, the retired fire chief killed in yesterday’s attempt on Trump’s life. But won’t someone spare a tear for moonbats? They are psychologically unequipped to cope with disappointment:

More grief from tolerant liberals — please excuse the language:

Not all epitomes of the Democrat base are harmless. A similar sentiment was publicly expressed by Jenna Howell of the FBI.

You might think liberals are ghouls, to be so glum about a former president not having been murdered. But their viewpoint makes sense, given what they are told by their leaders:

It isn’t just the visibly unhinged Nasty Pelosi. A fish rots from its head:

On tips from Varla, TRUMP IN A BULLSEYE, Dr. Kufi Tutite, Jack D, Mr. Freemarket, and Wiggins.


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