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Jun 25 2024

National Deficit Spirals Out of Control

At this rate, we may not make it to November. Implementation of the Cloward-Piven strategy is entering the end stage:

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office released new estimates [last] week that the federal deficit this year will be nearly $2 trillion, more than double the deficits just five years ago.

According to the CBO,

In CBO’s current projections, the deficit for 2024 is $0.4 trillion (or 27 percent) larger than it was in the agency’s February 2024 projections, and the cumulative deficit over the 2025–2034 period is larger by $2.1 trillion (or 10 percent). The largest contributor to the cumulative increase was the incorporation of recently enacted legislation into CBO’s baseline, which added $1.6 trillion to projected deficits. That legislation included emergency supplemental appropriations that provided $95 billion for aid to Ukraine, Israel, and countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

Our rulers are looting America to death and giving the money to other countries. Only Biden’s border policy could top that for in-your-face treason.

CBO also projects that interest payments alone will be nearly $900 billion and total $13 trillion over the next ten years.

I wouldn’t worry about anything 10 years out at this point. By then, the USA will collapse into insolvency according to plan, canceling all debts and ushering in our utopian Marxist future. As the economist Herbert Stein observed, if something cannot go on forever, it will stop.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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