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Jun 26 2024

NYC Pays Off Sham She-Muslim

Moonbats looking to cash in on jackpot justice are advised to head for the Big Apple:

The City of New York has agreed to pay out a $350,000 settlement to a man who identifies as a Muslim woman for keeping him in the men’s section of Rikers Island while he was awaiting trial on domestic violence charges.

Taxpayers caught a break. It could have been worse:

Ali Miles, formerly known as Dylan Miles, had initially demanded over $22,000,000 in compensation.

After a brief detention on Riker’s Island, Mr. Miles was sent back to Arizona, where he was found guilty of two felony counts of aggravated harassment per domestic violence and various misdemeanors including disorderly conduct.

Miles filed a lawsuit against the City of New York, seeking damages related to “gender identity discrimination” for having been detained in the men’s section of Rikers Island.

“Gender identify discrimination” can be defined as “failure to comply with ludicrous demands from someone pretending to be a member of the opposite sex.” Like a lot of guys, Mr. Miles would have preferred to be locked up with women.

Miles has also filed lawsuits against various businesses. For example:

In May of 2023, Miles filed a lawsuit against a New York yoga studio seeking compensation of $5,000,000 after employees reportedly asked him to use the men’s restroom instead of the women’s.

The strategy is to screech that he has been oppressed for being gay and transsexual and then to demand an out-of-court settlement to go away.

You can’t blame bureaucrats for wanting to settle. Last year an NYC jury awarded an oppressed Woman of Color $11.25 million because she was fired by a fitness center for showing up late for work 47 times.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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