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Feb 21 2023

Parent Pushback Against Eradicating Excellence

Liberals promise to impose equity — i.e., mandatory mediocrity. So as to reduce us all to the lowest common denominator, excellence is nipped in the bud. That’s why honors classes are disappearing. In a Los Angeles suburb, parents are pushing back:

The high school, they argued, should reinstate honors English classes that were eliminated because they didn’t enroll enough Black and Latino students.

The district earlier this school year replaced the honors classes at Culver City High School with uniform courses that officials say will ensure students of all races receive an equal, rigorous education.

If you thought “separate but equal” was a joke, try “equal but rigorous.”

[Parent Pedro] Frigola said he disagrees with the district’s view of equity. “I was born in Cuba, and it doesn’t sound good when people are trying to achieve equal outcomes for everyone,” he said.

His ninth-grade daughter Emma wanted to take an honors class.

“There are some people who slow down the pace because they don’t really do anything and aren’t looking to try harder,” Emma said. “I don’t think you can force that into people.”

You can’t force people to achieve. But you can forcibly prevent them from achieving. That’s what Democrats mean by “equity.”

In Santa Monica, Calif., high school English teachers said last year they had “a moral imperative” to eliminate honors English classes that they viewed as perpetuating inequality.

Teachers have “a moral imperative” to suppress achievement and prevent students from fulfilling their potential. Yet again we see that moonbattery is the inversion of morality.

If we allow leftists to forbid excellence, we will become a people deserving of leftist rule.

Fortunately, pushback by parents against the elimination of honors classes has seen some success in San Diego, Madison, and Rhode Island. If we learned anything from Covid, it is that we can’t trust the supposed experts; this goes double for children’s education.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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