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Aug 25 2022

Patience With Elitist Moonbattery Wearing Thin in Europe

When French President Emmanuel Macron honked about the “end of abundance” for regular people, the year 1789 came to mind. However, this goes beyond France.

Macron speaks for the entire Liberal World Order that he personifies. The LWO has declared that our standard of living is to be radically reduced in the name of the nonexistent climate crisis and an irrelevant war in an Eastern European backwater. If guillotines make a reappearance — figuratively or otherwise — it won’t only be in France. Here’s an Englishman at the end of his rope:

Back in the USA, Joe Biden just announced that he is shoveling another $3 billion at the corrupt and repressive regime in Ukraine. How much of the tens of $billions of largesse gets kicked back to Democrat politicians who will put the money in offshore accounts is unclear, but we can come up with a firm estimate on how much of the bounty will be paid for through inflation by everyone who has savings in US currency: all of it.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Varla.


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