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Jun 03 2024

Pro-Hamas Goons Block LGBT Parade in Philadelphia

Cultural Marxism (or as it is called these days, “liberalism”) is like a wrecking ball — useful only for demolition. It cannot be used as a basis for a stable society, because the belligerently aggrieved identity groups that have been exploited to tear down the old society will inevitably go after each other’s throats in their lust for power. It is happening already:

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters crashed a gay pride parade in Philadelphia on Sunday, bringing the celebratory march to a halt.

Grab some popcorn:

No matter what happens, liberalism will not prevail. Either there will be a massive backlash that purges society of all things left-wing, or civilization will collapse into warring factions of wannabe tyrants. There are no other possible outcomes.

On a tip from StephaneDumas.


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