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Oct 28 2023

Pushback Against Withholding Food to Impose LGBTism

Finally, there is some pushback against Biden’s appalling tactic of imposing LGBT ideology on schools by withholding lunch funding from those who resist.

From May 2022:

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month.

As remarked earlier,

You don’t want boys exposing themselves in the girls’ shower room? Then don’t take money from a government run by evil creeps like Joe Biden.

Except it is our money. The reason the federal government doles back some of what it has confiscated through taxation and inflation is to make people dependent.

Biden is hardly the only evil creep in Washington. His party backs him on withholding food as leverage to impose sexual perversion on children:

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) spoke from the Senate floor on Thursday, calling on his colleagues to support his resolution to prevent the Biden administration from withholding school lunch money funding from schools that don’t allow children to use the bathroom of the opposite sex. …

Marshall’s resolution needed a simple majority to pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate but came up short, with only 47 senators voting in the affirmative and 50 senators, all from the Democratic caucus, voting against it. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) broke away from his party to vote with Republicans.

The only Democrat in the Senate who meets the bare minimum standard of human decency knows he won’t be getting elected again in West Virginia as a Democrat, after what his party has done to his energy-producing state in the name of bogus climate ideology. Manchin is openly considering leaving the party.

At least Republicans are gathering the courage to push back against government-mandated LGBT sickness. They are going to have to push hard, because Democrats will oppose them every step of the way.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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