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Apr 08 2023

Sergeant Convicted of Murder for Shooting Armed Moonbat

Kyle Rittenhouse being permitted to defend his own life from leftist Brownshirts is something our liberal rulers are not about to let happen again:

A U.S. Army sergeant was convicted of murder for fatally shooting an armed protester in 2020 during nationwide protests against police violence and racial injustice, a Texas jury ruled Friday.

Sgt. Daniel Perry was working for a ride-sharing company in July 2020 when he turned onto a street and into a large crowd of demonstrators in downtown Austin.

Something similar happened to James Fields in Charlottesville, Virginia, ending his life as a free man.

Perry, who faces life in prison, now awaits sentencing.

Perry’s attorneys said he had no choice but to shoot Foster as he approached Perry’s car with an AK-47 rifle, the Austin American-Statesman reported. Prosecutors said Perry could have driven away before firing his revolver.

What actually happened will never be known, assuming the immediate witnesses were all Black Lives Matter/Antifa type lowlifes. Police heard two separate volleys of gunfire.

Perry prevailed in the firefight, despite being outgunned. But no regular American is likely to prevail against a jury in Austin.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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