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Aug 22 2022

Vanguard Pushes Antiwhite Moonbattery

Vanguard manages over $7 trillion in client assets. It is a pillar of the establishment. These days, that means it aggressively imposes the establishment’s ideology, as during a brainwashing session in July entitled, “The Critical Lever: Engaging White Male Managers in Advancing Diversity & Inclusion.”

Diversity consultant Laura Sherbin lectured white male managers to acknowledge their racism, to accept criticism “even if it’s uncomfortable,” and to take charge in ferreting out “bias, exclusion, and microaggressions.”

Then came a Maoist-style struggle session, in which white male Vanguard managers denounced their “racial identity” and proclaimed the glory of Cultural Marxism. Bleated one manager:

“One of my most fruitful mentor-mentee relationships was with somebody who is black, transgender, born in Kentucky to Baptist minister parents. I can tell you to this day — I learned way more from them than they ever learned from me.”

In addition to Critical Race Theory, Vanguard employees are expected to embrace sexual deviancy:

One manager said that he brought his daughters to Vanguard’s pride celebration — which he called the “most amazing Vanguard event that’s been put on in a long, long time, if not ever.” As The Post Millennial revealed last month, Vanguard’s pride festivities on its main campus in Pennsylvania included a “family-friendly” drag show.

Other asset management firms like BlackRock and State Street are comparatively pushy in promoting leftist groupthink, even at the expense of profitability.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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