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Jun 22 2024

Confirmed: Disney Discriminates Against Whites

There are no negative consequences in this society for pushing sexual depravity at children, but who knows? Maybe Disney will get in trouble for systematically breaking the law against racial discrimination:

During a series of undercover videos made by investigative journalist James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group, a Disney senior vice president named Michael Giordano appeared to detail a series of questionable hiring practices and beliefs ingrained at the company.

These can be summarized as “heterosexual white guys need not apply.”

It’s not enough to be nonwhite. You have to look it. Giordano shared an anecdote:

“We wanted to hire somebody in a department from a few years ago now, who was half black but didn’t appear half black. And there was a creative executive who was like, ‘That’s not what’s wanted.’ They wanted somebody in meetings who would appear a certain way and he wasn’t gonna bring that to the meeting.”

Coded language is used to avoid discrimination lawsuits. However:

As Breitbart News reported, Disney is facing a federal civil rights complaint alleging the company’s DEI policies are unlawful and discriminate against white American men, Christians, and Jews. America First Legal filed the complaint against Disney in February.

Elon Musk published leaked internal Disney documents that show diversity quotas being implemented across the company.

If the worm ever turns, hyperwoke Disney will be among the first to know. It may be in for a massive class action lawsuit.

On tips from Anonymous, seaoh, and KirklesWorth.


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