1792 Exchange Provides Corporate Moonbattery Database
As the cancer calling itself liberalism metastasizes, it becomes ever more difficult to boycott companies that bully on behalf of progressive politics. To this end, the 1792 Exchange has helpfully released a database rating the leftism level of over 1,000 companies.
The Daily Signal reports:
The database assesses the risk that “a company will cancel a contract or client, or boycott, divest, or deny services based on views or beliefs,” the 1792 Exchange says.
At a time when the culture wars increasingly are being fought, not just in Washington and state capitols but in boardrooms across the country, it’s a welcome development to have a resource to help determine whether your dollars are supporting companies that are neutral or companies that are working against you and your beliefs.
It is worthwhile to avoid companies that are hostile. Better still is to support companies that share your values:
New Founding’s Align specifically “showcases businesses that support our shared way of life and vision for America,” urging conservatives: “Don’t buy from people who hate you. Don’t let your money stab you in the back.”
Society has been sinking into a dispiriting morass of moonbattery. Fighting back even in small ways reminds us that the struggle against depravity and decay is not over. So long as a single countermoonbat remains defiant, it will never be over.
On a tip from Blackjack.
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