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Jul 01 2022

Transphobic Simpsons Episode

It’s a good thing that all media is getting digitized, because otherwise it would be impossible to erase everything American culture has produced up to the current moment, which must be done to protect powerful identity groups from offense. Until recently, humor was permissible. This resulted in infractions against political correctness, including a 2007 episode of The Simpsons, in which Bart becomes a superhero inspired by Batman.

Via WND:

“Bartman” dispatches numerous foes, including “Poison Lenny” — Homer Simpson’s friend Lenny dressed as Batman enemy Poison Ivy, with a long red wig and thigh-high stripper boots.

“No villain is safe from me!” Bartman declares.

Lenny responds, “I’m not a villain. I’m a transvestite!”

“Explain that to your maker!” Bartman says, throwing the transvestite against a high voltage electrical box, where the shock illuminates his skeleton.

Then Lenny gets shot by a cop.

Maybe the thought police will refrain from putting this episode down the memory hole. It is as close as they will find to evidence that the LGBT lobby deserves power for being oppressed:

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.


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