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Sep 18 2024

Collective Debt Resistance

Our Democrat rulers have run up a massive debt through irresponsible spending with no plans to pay it off. We can do this too, by applying collective debt resistance.

A commie explains:

Just as workers have potential collective power over capital in the form of their employer, and tenants in the form of their landlord, debtors can also wield this kind of collective power when they organize against their creditors.

Think of the possibilities:

The millions of people being crushed by medical debt could organize locally to demand hospitals cancel their bills. Or they could start a national medical debt strike to advance the cause of universal healthcare.

This will advance universal healthcare (a.k.a. socialized medicine) because hospitals will go bankrupt if people stop paying their bills. In their place, we will get free government hospitals, run by people like Kamala Harris. If you get sick, maybe your veterinarian can help you.

Lots of people have credit card debt. Fortunes could be saved if we all just stopped paying our bills. Our credit cards won’t work anymore after the banks collapse, but in the meantime we can have whatever we want for free!

Collective debt resistance can also liberate oppressed criminals:

And people with debts in the criminal punishment system could organize to challenge fines, fees and other costs associated with incarceration, demanding the abolition of a system that extracts on so many levels.

You think no one could be dumb enough to vote for Kamala? Think again.

On a tip from Mike B.


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