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Jul 15 2023

Global Warming Attacks From Below

Some of us think of the almighty climate as an angry god that inhabits the air. But this liberal deity lives everywhere, even in the ground beneath our feet — as the Washington Post reveals:

Beneath the high rises in downtown Chicago, the ground has been heating up significantly for decades. In some locations, the excessive heat is causing deformations in the land and destabilizing buildings, according to a study released Tuesday.

Scientists are calling this subsurface heating “underground climate change,” the counterpart of what people experience above ground. Except this subterranean warming is much more intense than above the surface, especially in densely built cities.

That’s because cities generate heat. Who knew?

Over the past 70 years, ground beneath the Chicago Loop in the city’s downtown has warmed by 5.6 degrees Fahrenheit on average, according to the study author.

Farther down, the article admits that the warming rate has slowed dramatically. But that’s no reason not to panic.

Climate scientist Hugo Beltrami, who was not involved in the study, was not surprised to see intense warming over the past few decades in Chicago. He said these underground temperatures have been warming mostly since the postindustrial revolution because of climate change.

Opines Beltrami, a research chair in climate dynamics at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia:

“It’s difficult to say what is coming from the … climate itself changing and what is coming from the actual activities of the city.”

I’ll go out on a limb and propose that if the ground is warmer underneath Chicago, it’s because there is a city there, not because of global warming. But support for the nonexistent climate crisis must come from wherever the media can find it.

On a tip from Steve D.


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