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Aug 14 2023

Kentucky Busing Debacle Supports School Choice

No wonder they are so opposed to cameras in the classroom. Consider what is going on at public schools out where we can see it. From Kentucky:

Relying on the controversial computer program AlphaRoute to remap already lengthy bus routes for the school district’s short-staffed bus team, Jefferson County Schools Superintendent Martin Pollio bragged that students wouldn’t wait “for more than an hour.”

Not exactly an ambitious goal. Yet they fell far short of it.

“With kids stuck on the bus for over six hours, several ended up soiling themselves,” [Republican State Representative Jason] Nemes said. “One elementary student who didn’t speak English was dropped off at the wrong stop—7 or 8 years old. An unrelated mom and dad saw this kid crying on the street and approached him; that’s the only reason we found him.”

At least while wandering lost in the streets, children are relatively safe from the LGBT groomers who appear to hold sway in the classrooms. Not all kids are old enough to push back.

Add inability to transport kids competently to the long list of reasons to defy the unions and support school choice.

On tips from R F and ABC of the ANC.


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