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Oct 08 2023

Watch Joe Biden Kick His Dog

In 2020, the media managed to pass off Joe Biden as a kindly old man, despite this conspicuously vicious rattlesnake having been in the public eye for decades. The grotesque mischaracterization held up throughout the campaign, even as Biden repeatedly lashed out at voters. We’ll see if it still holds after the nasty old moonbat has been recorded kicking his dog:

Biden’s dog Commander was recently banished from the White House after numerous biting incidents. One victim ended up in the hospital:

Although there have been 11 recorded incidents of Commander biting White House or Secret Service staff, CNN reported “the real number is higher and includes executive residence staff and other White House workers.”

Commander isn’t alone:

Biden’s younger dog, Major, was banished to a Delaware property due to his aggressive behavior and biting issues.

You might go psycho too if subjected to Creepy Joe’s abuse. This could be happening to the country as a whole.

On tips from Varla and Jester.


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