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Jul 30 2024

IRS Employees Fail to Pay Taxes

If ever a story summed up the relationship between the government and the governed under Democrat anarchotyranny:

At least 5,800 IRS employees and contractors owe almost $50 million in overdue taxes and more than half of them haven’t been required to agree to a payment plan, according to the Department of the Treasury’s Inspector-General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

IRS personnel have a different set of standards:

The TIGTA also reported that 512 former IRS employees were rehired, either as employees or contractors, despite having “tax compliance issues or conduct and performance problems, including criminal misconduct, sexual misconduct, inability to perform duties, fighting and assault, and unauthorized access to tax return information, have been rehired by the agency and its contractors,” according to Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who requested the watchdog’s report.

Anarchotyranny means Trump is guilty on 34 felony counts of nothing in particular, but IRS tax cheats skate:

Federal law requires that federal workers found to have unpaid taxes be removed unless the IRS commissioner specifically allows them to remain on the government payroll. The present IRS chief, Danny Werfel, has exercised that discretion to retain more than 1,000 such workers since 2021.

It isn’t just the IRS that doesn’t like to pay taxes:

Ernst also pointed out in a July 29 letter to Mr. Werfel that a 2023 TIGTA report “found 149,000 federal employees owe an astounding $1.5 billion in unpaid taxes.”

To quote Leona Helmsley, “Only the little people pay taxes.”

Meanwhile, the Biden/Harris regime is spending $80 billion of our money supersizing the IRS so as to squeeze every last penny out of us. The $trillions upon $trillions Janet Yellen has promised to the Third World to supposedly improve the weather has to come from somewhere.

On a tip from R F.


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