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Aug 17 2024

What They Are Displacing Us With

Lest anyone think that at least the leftists in charge mean well, here is an example of the element they are bankrupting the country to displace us with:

A Senegalese national who crossed the US border illegally last year is now charged with raping a 36-year-old woman in the Bronx — one of three migrants busted for sex crimes in the Big Apple in the past two weeks.

Many undocumented Democrats are imported from Africa. They travel from afar so as to be oppressed by the white supremacism that according to Democrats characterizes America.

Papa Diop, 38, was arrested Saturday and charged with rape and sexual abuse in the vicious assault that took place shortly before 2 a.m. on Aug. 5 in the South Bronx, according to authorities.

Diop had been arrested by border agents in Yuma. But they let him go without bail. Then he was given a work permit after submitting an asylum application.

Yet again we see that liberal rule is not compatible with public safety.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Steven S.


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