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Aug 16 2024

EU and USA Push Kiddie Porn on UN

Already the United Nations advances a degenerate agenda. Under leftist rule, the EU and USA push it ever closer to the maw of hell:

Western countries want to decriminalize certain forms of child pornography in a new cybercrime treaty, including pornographic material shared by children via sexting and pornographic material depicting AI-generated or fictitious children. …

An EU delegate said there was “absolutely no way” that any EU member state would join a convention unless it had these exceptions.

The treaty negotiated for over a year is ostensibly about combatting cybercrime, including criminalizing the production, dissemination, and possession of online “child sexual abuse” materials, but the United States and the European Union want “exceptions” for some forms of child pornography.

It is argued that children have a “right to develop sexual relationships” — even in the context of sharing pornography with adults.

Rwanda said that the current text creates “immunity and impunity” for sexual abusers.

A delegate from Congo said that decriminalizing sexting entirely was like letting children play with electric wires.

In the UN, African and Muslim countries can be voices of sanity, defending civilization from the EU/US representation.

On a tip from Franco.


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