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Sep 21 2024

Rite Aid Forced to Lock Up Almost Everything

You can see why Californians have finally begun to push back against Democrats on crime. Businesses have been forced to close due to effectively legalized shoplifting. Those that remain will have to subject their customers to this:

[A] Rite Aid store in Compton … installed locked glass cases on every aisle, meaning a majority of items for sale apparently require the assistance of a store employee. …

“It feels weird when you walk in there,” customer Eduardo Ramirez said of the Compton Rite Aid store. “Really uncomfortable.”

“The only thing that’s not locked up is the drinks, but that’s it,” he added. “Everything else is locked up.”

You hear that, Compton residents? Free drinks at Rite Aid!

If Democrats remain in power much longer, every store will resemble an inner city liquor store, with purchases passed around a pane of bulletproof glass. The next step after that will be no stores at all.

On a tip from Steve T.


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