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Aug 17 2022

A Foretaste of Biden’s Supersized IRS

To understand what it means that as part of the Inflation Exacerbation Act our Democrat rulers will print and spend vast fortunes to supersize the IRS, adding 87,000 employees, look to the sort of people liberal elitists most hate:

Texas cattle ranchers David and Deborah Hajda issued a dire warning to America’s middle class after Democrats’ spending bill passed both houses of Congress allowing provisions for approximately $80 billion in IRS funding, a majority of which is dedicated to enforcement.

The owners of Raising Five Cattle Company are still smarting from a grueling audit inflicted on them 13 years ago.

“We got audited over basically a $7,800 engine rebuild on a very old tractor,” Deborah said.

The repair cost constituted a red flag for the parasitical bureaucrats in charge of confiscating the wealth we create.

The Hajdas offered to fax in the pertinent records, but agents insisted on the bang-on-your-door, shock-and-awe Mar-a-Lago approach we have come to associate with Democrats. After invading their home, they kept looking until they found a violation:

“He wasn’t satisfied. He kept digging, and he ended up nailing us. Our tax person was giving us 80% on our work vehicles, and he said you can only do 50%,” David said.

Deborah warns that other many other members of the middle class will now be put through this wringer:

“They want to get you. If they’re coming after you for an audit, they don’t want to see your receipt… they want to nitpick your life apart, and that’s not what the American dream is for self-employment, small business…”

Rule by today’s neo-Marxist Democrats is the opposite of the American dream. It is any true American’s worst nightmare.

If you are on the record as opposing leftism, bend over and spread. The auditors will be coming for you soon.

The IRS is not needed to collect revenue. Neither are taxes. The federal leviathan doesn’t steal nearly as much as it wastes. It just prints what it wants, which is why inflation is out of control. The purpose of the IRS is to intimidate and to punish.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.


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