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Apr 19 2024

African Invaders Complain That Americans Speak English

On Tuesday some of the numberless hordes of illegal aliens from Africa pouring into New York City swamped the area around City Hall and aired their belligerent grievances. As noted at the time:

Their dissatisfaction will be easy for Democrats to weaponize against the native population the newcomers have been imported to displace.

What could they possibly have to complain about, considering they have invaded our country in contravention of our laws, yet instead of being kicked out are provided with free food, housing, and even prepaid debit cards? For one thing, we keep speaking English instead of learning Africa’s many languages:

Via Modernity:

At another point in the hearing migrants began complaining about the free food and housing they have been provided, saying it isn’t good enough.

They described the situation as “unacceptable,” and “shameful,” and even calling New York City “Anti-African, racist and Xeonophobic,” charging that the council is “responsible for this pain and suffering” that will affect migrants “for generations to come.”

They will certainly be dissatisfied for generations to come, making it easy for the liberal establishment to find participants when it is considered politically expedient to launch another wave of race riots.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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