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Aug 15 2024

Alarming Suppression of Free Speech in UK

In the name of Islam and mass immigration, left-wing authoritarians continue to tighten their grip on the throat of free speech in the country George Orwell called Airstrip One.

Consider the fate of David Spring of the Outer London borough Sutton:

A 61-year-old man [who] made threatening gestures at police and chanted “who the f*** is Allah” during large-scale disorder in Whitehall has been jailed for 18 months.

“Threatening gestures.” It is doubtful that the Two-Tier Keir regime would have a problem with threatening gestures from Blacks Lives Matter rioters, before whom Starmer literally knelt in obeisance. Spring’s actual crime was his nonobsequious attitude toward Islam.

Spring is retired:

He now spends a lot of time for his wife, who has suffered ill-health.

Let’s hope she’s still alive when he gets out of prison.

Unlike his wife, Spring will have plenty of company:

Over 1,000 people have been arrested in connection with the disorder in Britain following the deadly mass stabbing of multiple young girls by a migration-background teenager in Southport, England. The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) boasts that 1,024 people have been arrested, and 575 people have been charged so far.

Britons as young as 11 have been arrested for speaking up in defense of the nation their rulers are systematically eradicating via replacement migration.

As Wayne O’Rourke learned, you can now be imprisoned for “anti-establishment rhetoric.” From the state media:

O’Rourke, of Salix Approach, Lincoln, was arrested on Sunday afternoon, Lincolnshire Police said.

The charge relates to posts made from a social media account, the force added.

Nottingham Magistrates’ Court heard the posts were alleged to contain anti-Muslim and anti-establishment rhetoric.

The UK is not a free country by any reasonable definition. If leftists prevail in November, the USA will follow it down the rat hole into totalitarian misery.

On tips from Bluto, seaoh, and ABC of the ANC.


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7 Responses to “Alarming Suppression of Free Speech in UK”

  1. […] days some of the best Britons are getting thrown in prison. For those who want to join them, there is an easy means. Just repost this short […]

  2. […] that under the regime of Two-Tier Keir, Britons are literally thrown in prison for complaining on social media about their nation being eradicated via mass Third World […]

  3. […] the right of free speech is no longer acknowledged, the slope downhill into totalitarianism is slippery and steep. Britons will not even be allowed to […]

  4. […] the right of free speech is no longer acknowledged, the slope downhill into totalitarianism is slippery and steep. Britons will not even be allowed to […]

  5. […] that the UK is throwing people in prison for complaining about their nation being systematically eradicated through mass Third World […]

  6. […] who speak up against the displacement of the British population by savages from backward lands are imprisoned; authorities even release child rapists to free up cells for them. The savages themselves are […]

  7. […] who speak up against the displacement of the British population by savages from backward lands are imprisoned; authorities even release child rapists to free up cells for them. The savages themselves are […]


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