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Sep 17 2024

French Surrender to Foreign Invaders Again

There is no escape from multicultural enrichment in occupied France. You can’t even go duck hunting in Tardinghen:

A night of terror unfolded on the Opal Coast as three duck hunters and a 3-year-old child were violently attacked by an army of approximately sixty illegal migrants while lying in wait in their hunting hut. The incident occurred between Saturday night, September 14, and Sunday morning, September 15, 2024, in the Tardinghen marsh, escalating into a brutal confrontation that left the hunters barricaded in their shelter, fearing for their lives.

They are hunters; aren’t they armed? Oh right, this is France.

The migrants, reportedly enraged after being blocked by police in their attempt to cross the Channel to England, directed their fury at the hunters.

Crossing the English channel entitles them to even more extravagant welfare benefits. That’s why there have been several similar incidents on the French north coast this year.

Realizing that the hunters had alerted authorities, the group launched an assault on the hut. Armed with iron bars and a machete, they destroyed the windshields of the hunters’ vehicles, stole their belongings, and decapitated a decoy duck in a shocking act of rage.

So much as firing a shotgun in the air to scare off the savages would no doubt land a Frenchman in prison.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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