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Dec 21 2022

“American” Struck from the Newspeak Dictionary

Despite the damage they have inflicted on American culture, America still stands for everything leftists hate, being a predominantly Christian constitutional republic, moral, healthy, and free. Otherwise, the educrats at Stanford would not have struck the word “American” from the Newspeak Dictionary:

Stanford University released a guide this week on “harmful” language that it wants to remove from its online properties — noting that the term “American” is a no-go.

The language guide, which was published Monday, aims to “eliminate many forms of harmful language, including racist, violent, and biased … language in Stanford websites and code.”

Launched in May, the project, known as the Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative (EHLI), lists the prohibited terms under 10 categories including racism, homophobia and ableism.

The term “American” is to be replaced with “US citizen.”

“[‘American’] often refers to people from the United States only, thereby insinuating that the US is the most important country in the Americas,” the packet reasons, noting that the region actually includes 42 countries between North and South America.

At the risk of appearing impertinent, someone needs to point out to our alleged intellectual betters that North and South America are continents. Only one country is called America — namely, America. But moonbats would prefer to pretend there is no such nation — only an arbitrary political entity called the “US” that does not represent a specific people.

The liberal intention is to extirpate Americans via cultural genocide. They could not make it more obvious if they tried.

On tips from Wiggins, MrRightWingDave, and Chuck A.


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3 Responses to ““American” Struck from the Newspeak Dictionary”

  1. […] blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the word “America” being struck from the Newspeak […]


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