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Jan 29 2021

Andrew Cuomo’s Incompetence Killed More Than We Knew

There is a first time for everything; Andrew Cuomo has gotten something right. New York’s governor has been proclaiming recently that “incompetent government” is responsible for the high COVID-19 death toll in his state.

Honks Cuomo:

“Incompetent government kills people. More people died than needed to die in COVID. That’s the truth.”

What he gets wrong is his claim that it is someone else’s incompetence rather than his own.

While Cuomo was attempting to pin the blame on the Trump administration, his comment was quickly mocked on social media as many people pointed out that many of New York’s coronavirus-related deaths occurred after the state’s controversial March 2020 decision to issue a directive that required nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients released from hospitals.

It was a bigger factor than we knew, thanks to Cuomo fudging the numbers:

New York Attorney General Letitia James released a report Thursday which found Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration had “undercounted” the number of coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50 percent.

If even a leftist like Letitia James can find that much malfeasance, imagine what might be uncovered if disinterested investigators looked into Cuomo’s botched administration.

This won’t hurt Cuomo politically in deep blue New York. He is an icon among Democrats, so perfectly does he personify the party’s mentality with his trademark mixture of condescension, authoritarianism, and cluelessness. He effortlessly brushes off the thousands of people he killed by dismissing the story as a conspiracy theory.

On a tip from Varla.


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