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Apr 02 2024

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Defends Faith From Biden

Some are pushing back. Like Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls for the Catholic Church to preserve its credibility by excommunicating the belligerently blasphemous leftist creep in the White House. In response to Biden’s Easter Transgender Day of Visibility proclamation, Vigano defends the faith:

The unprecedented and scandalous proclamation of March 31 as “Transgender Visibility Day” by self-styled U.S. President Joe Biden — who dares to declare himself a Catholic — constitutes a most serious offense to God and to millions of Catholics and Christians in America and around the world, before which it is impossible not to react with due firmness. …

I ask my Brethren in the Episcopate and priests to recognize that Joe Biden has incurred latæ sententiæ excommunication, and as such must be expelled from the churches and not admitted to Communion.

Vigano decries “a world awash in execrable perversions that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.” He gets what Sunday’s Democrat Easter blasphemy represents:

Christians are progressively banished from civil society and considered a threat to the subversive project of the New World Order, while a minority of the vicious and perverted claim to erect their deviations as the universal norm. Here is the “visibility” of Biden and the woke ideology, celebrating a macabre mad dance to the abyss.

We’re going into the abyss with them if we fail to turn the ship around.

On a tip from seaoh.


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