Authoritarianism Encroaches on Free Speech
Respect for liberty has not changed much in Germany since the days of the Stasi and the Gestapo before it. The scariest thing about authoritarianism is that it always seeks to expand.
The point of the EU is to make all of Europe into Germany under the heel of autocrats like Ursula von der Leyen. New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern wants a global censorship system that would turn the whole world into Germany.
Paul Joseph Watson illustrates what that means:
What is imposed in Germany will not stay in Germany if globalists have their way. Whether they call it “hate speech” or “misinformation,” dissent will not be tolerated.
It’s already so bad in the UK that this is what can happen to you for saying the wrong thing:
If they can control what we say, we are their slaves.
On tips from KirklesWorth and seaoh.
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