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Apr 25 2024

Biden Blasphemes on Behalf of Abortion

Even amid calls from within the Catholic Church for Joe Biden’s excommunication, he continues to double down on blasphemy:

Biden made the Sign of the Cross in response to pro-abortion comments made by Democrat Nikki Fried, who was standing next to the president.

The gesture came while the president was listening to Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Nikki Fried slam her state’s pro-life law. …

His gesture occurred moments before he delivered a speech in Florida in favor of legal abortion.

It would be hard to imagine anything less Christian than snuffing out innocent life to facilitate degeneracy. Abortion is a sacrament to leftists precisely because it is so profoundly wrong. It is their way of flipping the middle finger to God, as Biden underscored.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and Franco.


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