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May 21 2024

Biden Claims Obama Sent Him to Detroit to Fix Covid

Merrick Garland needn’t have bothered committing contempt of Congress to keep audio of Robert Hur interviewing Joe Biden from the public. Hur isn’t the only one who has witnessed the alarming extent of Biden’s senility. For example, Garland was not able to suppress Biden’s public boast that he was Vice President during Covid hysteria:

The 81-year-old Biden, who finished his eight years as Barack Obama’s veep in January 2017, suggested he was still in post at the time of the outbreak during a campaign event with the NAACP.

“When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it,’” Biden said.

As noted at Just the News,

During Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into Biden’s handling of classified documents that stem from his vice presidency, Hur mentioned that Biden forgot when he was vice president twice.

Despite Garland’s unlawful efforts, everyone knows Biden is cognitively nonfunctional. No way would this delirious husk be allowed to roam around loose if the liberal establishment had not appointed him Leader of the Free World.

On tips from Varla and ABC of the ANC.


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