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Jan 22 2021

Biden: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

To the large club of arrogant liberal elitists who ignore the COVID-19 restrictions they impose on others, we can add Joe Biden:

Biden faced criticism for removing his face mask while visiting the Lincoln Memorial on Wednesday night hours after signing an executive order requiring masks on federal property to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

In Biden’s defense, he probably doesn’t read all those executive orders he has been signing — or even his own tweets:

No worries. Jen Psaki explains everything:

“Well Steve…” condescends Psaki, mistaking Peter Doocy for his father, who is a host of Fox & Friends. Once they get his name straight, they are likely to ban Doocy from the White House press briefing room, as he is probably the last real journalist with access to it.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, and Varla.


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