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Jul 05 2024

Biden Identifies as Black Woman

Lost in the historicness of a left-wing community organizer becoming the First Black President is that Barack Obama’s VP identifies as the First Female Black Vice President.

The revelation occurred in the course of Joe Biden’s racial pandering:

Biden was afforded an opportunity in an interview that aired Thursday on the black Philadelphia radio station 96.1FM to reassure his allies of his competence. It did not go well.

In his rambling interview with host [Andrea] Lawful-Sanders, Biden doubled down twice on the false suggestion that former President Donald Trump threatened a violent “bloodbath” should he lose the election and suggested further that his opponent “questioned the humanity of George Floyd.”

Then Biden bragged about making appointments according to race, which is how we ended up with Kamala Harris as the current VP.

Maybe that was on his muddled mind when Creepy Joe croaked,

“I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman to serve with a black president.”

Biden furthermore proclaimed himself to be “the first president that got elected statewide in the state of Delaware when I was a kid.” Very historic.

He also self-identifies as someone who served in the military:

The time to invoke the 25th Amendment is right this minute. We survived a Civil War and the Great Depression; there is a fair chance we will make it through a half-year of President Kamala Harris. If we do, it will cure all but the most vehemently malevolent of voting for Democrats.

On tips from Jack D and Wiggins.


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