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Jul 08 2024

Biden Recalls Being a Senator From Pennsylvania

Congratulations to Joe Biden on adding another accomplishment to his résumé. He is now a former senator from Pennsylvania:

Two years ago, he proclaimed himself to be the first senator from Delaware:

Biden … mixed up his job title, telling a crowd at the White House that he was the nation’s first senator from Delaware…

“There have not been many of the senators from Delaware. It’s a small state. As a matter of fact, there has never been one. And so I want to take advantage of making sure I introduce [a fellow Delaware native],” Biden said at a White House event marking the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month.

Creepy Joe has accomplished one historic first for real. He is the first ChiCom asset to hold the presidency and even run for reelection after succumbing to severe dementia.

On tips from seaoh and WDS 2.0


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