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Sep 28 2020

Biden Lies That He Went to Black College

“I was born a poor black child,” avers Steve Martin’s character in The Jerk. This apparently inspired the latest tall tale by Joe Biden, who has attempted to pander to a black audience by falsely claiming that he originally attended a black college:

“I got started out of a HBCU, Delaware State,” he told pupils at Wilson High School in Florence, which was founded in 1866 by the Freedmen’s Bureau for black children seeking an education.

HBCU = historically black college or university. DSU was originally named State College for Colored Students.

However, the politician’s claim came back to haunt him when the university said he had only been a commencement speaker there decades after his start in politics.

“Vice President Biden did not attend DSU,” the college’s director of news service, Carlos Holmes, told the Washington Times.

Biden has embellished his academic record before, falsely claiming that he taught constitutional law for over 20 years, that he had a full academic scholarship, that he graduated in the top half of his class, that he graduated with three degrees, et cetera.

His actual college record characteristically included failing a class at Syracuse University College of Law after being accused of plagiarism.

On tips from Rapinhoe and Frances J.


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