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Jul 30 2023

Biden Regime Comes After Archery

Until fairly recently, kids learned to use rifles in high school. But as leftists consolidate control, even archery will be banned:

[T]he Department of Education determined that, under the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) passed last year, school hunting and archery classes are precluded from receiving federal funding.

Once they get people reliant on the federal teat, that which is not funded is effectively banned. This funding comes from our own money. Astonishingly, there are people who find this arrangement acceptable.

In June 2022, the BSCA was passed with large majorities in the House and Senate before President Biden signed it into law. The push to pass the bill — which broadly seeks to promote “safer, more inclusive and positive” school environments, according to the Education Department — came after mass shootings at a grocery market in Buffalo, New York, and a school in Uvalde, Texas.

No more mass murders employing bows and arrows. Big Government has made settlers safe from Indian raids at last.

Uvalde appallingly underscored the failure of authorities to protect the innocent. Yet it is exploited to render us still more defenseless — to the cartoonish extreme of coming after archery.

Next the Debt Star will defund wrestling programs, lest students learn to defend themselves with headlocks. Look what happened to the sainted Jordan Neely, they can argue.

On a tip from R F.


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