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Jun 28 2024

Biden Regime Conception of Military Readiness

No one has more of an interest in Biden holding on to power than America’s foreign adversaries. Taking on a country that conflates sexual perversion with “military readiness” will be a cakewalk:

During a DoD Pride event for the Association of LGBTQI+ Service Members in June, [Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen] Hicks discussed listening to the needs of service members, including LGBTQ individuals, as a Pentagon priority vis-à-vis military “readiness,” a term which refers to the ability to deter potential adversaries, defend national interests and ensure that armed forces can meet their missions.

It isn’t all about turning the military into a San Francisco bathhouse. It is also important to train servicemembers to despise the country they signed up to defend on the grounds that it is full of racist white people:

Hicks said in 2022 that it was essential for “warfighting success” to have training throughout the military regarding “unconscious bias,” a key term found in critical race theory (CRT).

“Unconscious bias” refers to beliefs and attitudes that need to be rooted out through brainwashing because they do not comply with CRT/DEI.

The Department of Defense has proclaimed that diversity is a “strategic imperative critical to mission readiness and accomplishment.”

The ChiComs must be relieved that they will not be up against a meritocracy. Again we see that they are getting their money’s worth out of the Big Guy.

On a tip from Barry A.


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