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Jun 06 2022

Biden Regime Recruits Illegal Aliens in Mexico

In 1984, the Ministry of Truth manufactures lies and the Ministry of Love tortures potential dissidents. In the eerily similar USA under Democrat rule, Customs and Border Protection, rather than protecting the border, goes into the Third World to recruit illegal immigrants — specifically targeting the single mothers whose situation is both a symptom and a cause of America’s cultural decline, and who reliably vote for Democrats.

Monica Showalter waded into a weepy propaganda piece in the New York Times. It employed the usual emotional manipulation tactics to get readers to sympathize with the unsustainable multitudes of invaders who have exploited Democrat rule as an opportunity to invade our country in contravention of our laws and climb aboard the welfare gravy train. She reemerged with this gem, buried deep in the story:

In late April, the pastor who runs the shelter, Hector Silva, was asked to meet with U.S. government officials to discuss a process for sending some migrants who qualify for humanitarian exceptions to the public health rule across the pedestrian bridge linking Reynosa with the United States. The government allows such exceptions for migrants deemed particularly vulnerable, with decisions being made on a case-by-case basis.

Mr. Silva said Customs and Border Protection had been reaching out two or three times a day to ask for small groups of people who fall into certain categories. On May 1, for instance, Mr. Silva was asked to look for single mothers.

This also happens at other locations along the border, often the result of direct communication between local C.B.P. officials, lawyers and nonprofit groups that assist asylum seekers, according to asylum lawyers and officials with the Department of Homeland Security.

The word “asylum” is becoming meaningless. As Showalter notes,

Some 90% of asylum cases are rejected, while most so-called asylum seekers never bother to show up in court for them anyway, knowing full well what the outcome may be.

These are economic migrants, not asylum-seekers. Democrats exploit the concept of asylum to get them into the country for demographic engineering purposes. Once here, few of them leave. Their poverty has been imported for generations to come.

Public health is not a priority:

What if these people are bringing in COVID — or tuberculosis, monkeypox, malaria, leishmaniasis, or any of a host of diseases migrants are known to carry from their countries of origin, if not pick up while willingly placing themselves in the hands of human smugglers, who have zero concerns for migrant health? … The recruiting not only is unseemly in itself, but it also goes against Title 42 restrictions, which nominally keeps even the sobbiest of the sob stories among migrants out of the country based on public health concerns around COVID.

The Biden Regime has been skirting the court ruling upholding Title 42 until such time as it can get it reversed. Our rulers do not mean us well.

On a tip from R F.


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