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Apr 24 2023

Bidens Deploy Lawfare to Silence Marjory Taylor Greene

Considering that lawfare might have been used to knock Tucker Carlson off Fox News, why not deploy it against problematic congressional representatives?

Attorney Abbe Lowell sent letters asking the Treasury Department’s inspector general to investigate how former Donald Trump loyalists obtained reports of Biden’s alleged “suspicious activity” and seeking a congressional ethics review of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s public attacks against President Joe Biden’s family, reported Politico’s Playbook.

Abbe Lowell serves as the attorney for the skeevy degenerate Hunter Biden, who in turn apparently serves as the primary bagman for Joe Biden’s influence peddling enterprise.

MTG isn’t the only target:

Lowell also wrote that former Trump White House official Garrett Ziegler did not have a First Amendment defense for obtaining and publishing confidential Treasury Department records regarding the president’s son, and he said those actions may have violated the Bank Secrecy Act.

If the lawfare strategy is successful, you can be sure Joe Biden will double down on his stated plan to use it to render the Second Amendment moot.

On a tip from Bluto.


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