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May 22 2024

Biden’s Pier for Hamas Is Debacle

Our savings are not worth what they used to be because Democrats have been throwing money away faster than they can confiscate it through taxation. One example of the waste driving inflation is a $320 million pier the Biden Regime built for Hamas, as if to reward it for the horrific 10/7 terror atrocities. Like everything else Biden shovels our money at, the project is not going well.

Via ZeroHedge:

In a Rube Goldberg complex of construction and transportation ideas, the U.S. military anchored to the sea floor three miles off the northern coast of Gaza a floating dock system onto which large cargo ships can dock.

The logistics are too senselessly convoluted to summarize here. Suffice it to say that streamlined operations are not a specialty of Big Government.

[I]f a large cargo ship has 5,000 tons of food and medical supplies to be off-loaded, and if each truck can hold 2.5 tons of cargo, it will take 2,000 trucks to take the cargo from one ship. …

Two-thousand trucks to offload ONE ship driving 1,800 feet on a causeway that will be dangerously affected by tides, winds, and waves is a recipe for disaster.

Speaking of disasters,

Close to three-fourths of the humanitarian aid transported from a new $320 million floating pier built by the U.S. military off the Gaza coast was stolen on Saturday en route to a U.N. warehouse, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

This is par for the course in Gaza:

Hamas has been stealing up to 60% of the aid entering the Gaza Strip, and a Channel 12 report last week revealed that the terrorist organization has made at least $500 million in profit off humanitarian aid since the start of the war on Oct. 7.

If only Democrats could be persuaded to gather up our money into great piles and set it on fire. At least that way it wouldn’t benefit criminals and terrorists.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and R F.


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