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Feb 25 2024

Bill Gates and George Soros Conspire to Blot Out Sun

If ever a single story summed up the lunacy, malevolence, and hubris of the liberal establishment, it is creepy moonbat zillionaires like Bill Gates conspiring to block the life-giving sun in the name of the global warming hoax.

Via Frontpage Magazine:

Scientists plan to begin pumping chemicals into the sky over the next few weeks and months from several countries around the globe, including the U.S., Australia and Israel.

The idea, promoted by Gates and leftist billionaire George Soros, involves pumping manmade white clouds containing chalk dust and other chemicals into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface.

Because according to left-wing dogma, it is too hot outside.

Like supposedly harmful CO2, sunlight is required for plants to grow. Without it, we all die. That would be consistent with the antihuman ideology of Bill Gates, who believes there are too many of us and somebody needs to do something about it.

Liberal agenda bankrollers Gates and Soros are enemies not only of the human race but of the environment:

Globalists like Bill Gates and George Soros are doing harm to the environment through their genocidal climate agenda on multiple levels. They advocate blanketing our fertile farmland with toxic solar panels, while filling more acres of farmland with wind turbines that kill birds and other wildlife. They also push electric cars which run on toxic lithium batteries that are going to create an environmental nightmare in the years ahead because, like with the solar panels, there’s no way to safely dispose of them.

I would say not even moonbats could top blotting out the sun in terms of sheer malice — but I keep reading about potential plans to install Michelle Obama in the White House.

On tips from Blackjack.


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